[编号: ]it is/ was not until……that……结构
资料类别: 教案
所属地区: 云南
年级: 高二
学科: 英语
资料版本: 人教普通版(上)
上传用户: 家教网0914
更新时间: 2021-11-12 17:28:22
审核状态: 未审核


It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year when for the first time in years their team won the world cup.对于这些足球迷们来说,这时今年令人激动的时刻,这是他们的队多年来第一次赢得世界杯。

2 由“till until”引导的时间状语从句时,在肯定句中主句常用延续性动词(如wait work study等),意为“一直到…”。在否定句中,主句要用非延续性动词(如stop begin arrive die get married等)。Not…until结构常被译成“直到…才”。

The couple worked in the laboratory until day had broken. 夫妻俩在实验室一直工作到天亮。

The couple didn’t stop working in the laboratory until day had broken.

They didn’t go home until they had finished the work. 他们直到完成工作才回家。


It was Until the train had left that he waited for his companion to come. 直到火车已经离开了,他还在等他的伙伴来。

She stood there till/ until he had passed out of sight. 她站在那里,直到看不见他的身影.

Until the train had left he waited for his companion to come. 直到火车已经离开了,他还在等他的伙伴来。

★注意: 而否定句的强调常用it is/ was not until……that……结构或把not和until从句或短语提至句首,而主句采用倒装语序。

Until they had finished the work they didn’t go home.

It was not until she finished doing her homework that the determined girl went to bed.

Not until she finished doing her homework did the determined girl go to bed.直到做完作业以后,那个有决心的女孩才睡觉的。

趁热打铁-----学生练习: 把下列not…until 结构变成强调句。

1. The director didn’t realize that clerk’s importance until he asked to leave the unit.

It _____ ______ ______ he asked to leave _____ the director _____ that clerk’s importance.(was not until that realized)

_______ until he asked to leave ______ the director _____ that clerk’s importance.(not did realize)

2. The journalist won’t leave until he sees the headmaster. 这记者直到看到校长才会走。

It ______ _____ ______ he sees the headmaster _____ the journalist will leave.(not will )

______ until he sees the headmaster _____ the journalist leave.(is not untilthat )

由“before after”引导的时间状语从句:★before引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词发生在主句谓语动词之后,而after引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词发生在主句谓语动词之前。

Remember to turn off the light before you leave.在你离开前记得关灯。

After she had written the letter she went to the post office.她写完这封信后,她去了邮局。

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