[编号: ]I can see that those terrible events shaped me int
资料类别: 课件
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 北京
年级: 八年级
学科: 英语
分类: 初中竞赛
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-3-29 15:34:36
审核状态: 未审核


1.【·江苏省四市第一次调研】_______________, I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the person I am today.

    A. Having looked back                    B. Looking back

C. Being looking back                   


2. 【·天津十二所重点学校联考】A strong earthquake ____ widespread destruction in the city center hit New Zealand South Island city of Christchurch.

       A.caused              B.to cause             C.causing            D.to have caused


3. 【·东北三校第二次联考】28.The noise from the top floor, loud and constant, of the meeting-room        can be clearly heard in our classroom.

       A.being decorated                                   B.having been decorated    

       C.to be de decorated                                                               D.decorated


4. (北京朝阳届高三二模)—Will you please make yourself  _____to us, please?

——I’ m the honorary chairman of the committee.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

A. know  B. to know     C. knowing     D. known


5.(绍兴市高三届高三质检二)Liu Xiang won the gold medal of men’s110mhurdles at the 16th Asian Games, _______ the title of the event with 13.09 seconds.

A.claimed     B.claiming         C.has claimed          D.to claim


6.(郑州一中届高三二模)The Spanish football team won the South Africa World Cup on July 13th, _____ it the 8th country to have won the World Cup.

A. made                B. making   学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!         C. to make               D. to have made



7.(北京东城届高三一模)I’m tired out.I stayed up the whole night, ______ for my midterm math exam.

A.studying              B.to stud学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y           C .to be studying       D.studied


8.(北京石景山届高三一模)The dining room is clean学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!and tidy, with a table already___ for a big meal.

  A.laid                    B.laying                  C.to lay                               D.being laid


9.(宝鸡市年高三教学质量检测(二)—英语)After playing in the park for a few hours, the pupils gathered under trees            shade and           down to eat their picnic lunch.

      A.provided, sit     B.providing; sitting      C.providing; sat   D.provided; sat


10.(东北三省三校届高三下学期第一次联合模拟考试yy)Cao Cao’s tomb is reported ________ inChina, which attracts nationwide attention.

A. being found                                            B. to be found                  

C. having been found                                D. to have been found


11.(福建省龙岩市届高三第一次质量检查)______in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual.

A. Being injured                                                 B. To be injured 

C. Having injured                                          D. Injured


12.(山东省济南市届高三年级第一次模拟考试英语试题)alone in the large house, the little boy had to learn to survive by himself.

      A.To leave          B.Leaving       C.Left           D.Being left


13. (福建省四地六校届高三第三次联考)Living in the dormitory means     to take care of yourself, understand each others ' differences and share     interests.

   A、to learn, common.       B、learning, ordinary

   C、to learn, ordinary     D、learning, common


14.(合肥市年高三第一次教学质量检测)Time should be made good use of        our lessons well.

A. to learn                B. learning                 C. learn                       D. learnt 


15. (陕西省西安市年高三年级分科质量检测)The girl glanced over her shoulder and found herself     by a young man in black.

     A.was followed    B.followed   C.following   D.had been followed


16. (皖南八校届高三年级第二次联考)Something as simple as       vegetables in childhood may help to protect you against serious illness in later life.

      A.to eat              B.eating                 C.to be eating                D.eaten


17.(上海市普通高等学校届高三春季招生考试)        as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries on at least 4 continents.

      A.To accept           B.Having accepted                 

 C.To be accepted                    D.Accepting


18.(上海市普通高等学校届高三春季招生考试)       by the growing interest in nature, more and more people enjoy outdoor sports.

      A.Influenced                                     B.Influencing  

      C.Having influenced                        D.To be influenced


19.(上海市普通高等学校届高三春季招生考试)        well in an interview will be an important part of getting a place at university.

      A.Do              B.Doing             C.Done                 D.Being done


20. (陕西省宝鸡市届高三质量检测)As our eating habits are changing, choosing what         is no longer as easy as it once was.

      A.eat              B.eaten           C.to eat           D.to be eating


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