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[编号: ]Pirates from Somalia who hijacked _____European ca
资料类别: 学案
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 福建
所属阶段: 二轮专题复习
学科: 英语
专题/考点: 任务型读写
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-4-25 15:28:32
审核状态: 未审核


33.(·唐山市摸底)8.In       week or so.I’11 be among_____ unemployed,I’m afraid.

       A.小填;a           B.a;不填           C.a;the                D.me:不填



34.(·浙江温州十校联考)2.Pirates from Somalia who hijacked _____European carrier in ______ Indian Ocean threatened to kill its 25 crew members if any rescue operation was attempted.

      A.the; 不填           B.a; the                  C.the; a                  D. the; the


35.(·浙江温州八校返校联考)22.Shall we take ________ short break? I want to make ________ call.

       A.the;a                                             B.a;the              

       C.the;the                                             D.a;a

D考查冠词的用法。第一空考查固定短语take a break,故用不定冠词a;第二空泛指打一个电话。

36.(·浙江学军中学第一次月考)21. In China, ______ pressure to pass _____ exams tends to cause lack of students’ creativity.

A  /; the               B  a; the         C. the; /                  D. / ; the


37.(·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)22.The artist, whose early career was far from being      success, is now widely recognized as

         master of painting.

       A./ ; a                    B./ ; the                  C.a; a                     D.a; the

C考查冠词的用法。第一空考查抽象名词具体化,此处a success意为:一个成功的职业;第二空泛指“一位绘画大师”。

38.(·云南昆明一中第一次月考)2.There is       small temple on the island, which can only be reached by       water.

   A.a; 不填              B.a; the                  C.the; the               D.the; 不填

A考查冠词的用法。第一空泛指一座小庙;第二空考查短语by water不用冠词。

39.(·浙江杭州西湖中学检测)34. Mr White, who comes from ___________ European country, has formed _________ habit of attending ______________ church on Sundays.

  A. an; ×; the   B. a; the; ×   C. an; the; ×    D. a; a; a

B考查冠词的用法。第一空表示来自一个欧洲国家;第二空特指去教堂礼拜的习惯;第三空考查短语attend church意为:去教堂礼拜。


40.(·四川绵阳中学第一次月考)23.—It’s reported that over 1billion people watched the live opening ceremony of___  South Africa World Cup on TV.

—Yes, news came as____ shock to me.

A. the; the    B. x; a     C. the; a     D. a; the


41.(·四川成都市摸底)22.I will never forget my teacher’s advice: “As long as you can affect       life of your child in an active way, you’ve been         success.”

       A./ ; the                  B.a; /                      C.a; the                  D.the; a

D考查冠词的用法。第一空特指你孩子的生活;第二空抽象名词具体化,a success意为:一个成功的人。


42.(·江西南昌一中第一次月考)21.—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?

       —If you make ______ most of the equipment, there will be ______ rise in production.

       A.不填;不填        B.the;a                 C.不填;a              D.the;不填

B考查冠词的用法。第一空考查短语中的冠词,解题关键:掌握短语make the most of意为:充分利用;第二空抽象名词具体化,a rise意为:一次提升。

43.(·四川成都外国语学校9月考)22.While income worry is _______ rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that ________ aged parents may face.。来源:学|科|网]

A. a; 不填          B. the; 不填      C. a; the          D. the; the



44.(·黑龙江哈师大附中第二次月考)21.       --Which of the two poems do you like better?

A. A; the               B. The; a               C. The; the            D. A; a


45.(·黑龙江哈三中月考)23. Education is a lifelong process, _____ process that starts long before ____ start of school, and one that should be _____ necessary part of one’s entire life.

   A. a; a ; a                         B. a; the; a             

C. the; a; the                  D. the; the; the          



46.(·河南郑州四中第一次调研)21. Department of Homeland Security and CIA produced ______ joint report on Monday warning that ______ next 911 could in fact occur on ______ different date.

A.the; a; the    B.a; the; a     C./; the; the     D.a; /; the



47.(·福建福州三中第一次月考)34.You can have          second try if you fail this time.

       A./                         B.an                       C.the                      D.a


48.(·福建福州三中第一次月考)37.If you grow up in       large family, you are more likely to develop        ability to get on well with       others.

       A./; an; the             B.the; an; the          C.a; the; /               D.a; the; the


49.·桂林十八校第一次月考)21. At the end of the cross-talk, __ audience present in the hall burst into ___ laughter.

   A. an ; the          B. the ; a          C. an ; /           D. the; /

D 考查冠词的用法。第一空表示“特指在场的观众”;第二空考查短语burst into laughter不用冠词。

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