[编号: ]It is reported that many battles broke out in Midd
资料类别: 学案
文件大小: 9216KB
所属地区: 福建
年级: 八年级
学科: 英语
分类: 初中竞赛
上传用户: 家教网0125
更新时间: 2021-4-25 15:34:55
审核状态: 未审核


20. (湖北省届高三八校第一次联考)

It is reported that many battles broke out in Middle East. What’s your ________ of the situation there?   

A.assessment           B.anxiety                C.comprehension       D.consideration

答案  A

21. (安徽省两地三校届高三上学期元旦联考)

---Which is ____ house the great man once lived?

---An unusual one with____ big round roof on the hillside over there.

A. a; a        B. the; the       C. the; a       D. a; the

答案  C

22. (广西桂林十八中届高三第五次月考)

l      John has got a fever these days, and he says he doesn’t want to see a doctor, but I’m afraid he has no        .

       A. possibility                 B. compromise              C. treatment                  D. alternative

答案  D

23. (河南省开封高中届高三上学期1月月考)

     first time I met him in his office, he shook me by        hand warmly and then introduce himself to me.

A.The;不填            B.The; The             C.The; a                 D.A;不填

答案  B

24. (河南省武陟一中届高三上学期第四次月考)

Judging from         look on his face,he must have       news of great excitement to tell us.

    A、the:a                 B、/;/                 C、the; the                  D、the:/

答案  D

25. (湖南省长沙市一中届高三第六次月考)

—Could you tell me the way to ____ Williams, please?

     —Sorry, we don’t have ____ Williams here in the community.

    A. the; the                        B. the; a                        C. /; the             D. the; /

答案  B

26. (江苏省南京师大附中届高三12月阶段测试)

It's a common __________ for young people to pay a New Year's visit to their elders.

A. sense               B. practice             C. rule                 D. scene

答案  B

27. (江苏省盐城市届高三第二次学情测评)

Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, children here had no ______ to education.

A. access                     B. approach               C. way                      D. chance

答案  A

28. (山东省潍坊市届高三上学期阶段性测试)

---I’m sorry I can’t accept ______ price offered.

     ---Well, I’m sure you can’t find ______ better bargain.

     A. the; a            B. a; the             C. a; a               D. the; the

答案  A

29. (天津市五校届高三上学期期中联考)

In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ________in personality.

    A. contact              B. contrast              C. connection            D. conflict

答案  D

30. (浙江省金华一中届高三12月联考)

There is no         in trying to talk George into joining us. He enjoys being alone.

       A.doubt                  B.wonder               C.hope                   D.point

答案  D


—Let us suppose that you are in        position of        parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?

—Certainly not.

A.a; a                        B.a; the                  C.the; a                  D.the; the

答案  C


Mike seldom asks ______ questions in class, but today he raised ______ fairly good one.

A./; a                    B.the; a              C./; the                D./; /

答案  A


       Panda is one of         remaining endangered animals in the world.

A.The; the                  B.A; a                    C.The; a                 D.不填;the

答案  A


—I heard that as many as 24 people were killed in the big fire.

—Yes,         news came as          shock to us.

A.a; a                        B.the; /                   C./; a                     D.the; a

答案  D


What China can learn from           financial storm has become          hot topic among us.

A.the; /               B.the; a                C./; the                  D./; a

答案  B


China will send its first Mars Rover, Yinghuo-1, into ______ space by ______Russian space rocket in October .

A. 不填;the        B. the; a             C. 不填; a        D. the; the

答案  C


As China plays __     bigger part in global affairs, it draws more attention from _    _rest of the world. 高.考.资.源

A. the; a             B. a; the          C. 不填; the        D. a; 不填 高.考.资.源.网

答案  B


—I hear as many as 272 people have been killed in the earthquake in Italy till now.

—Yes, ________ news came as _______ shock to me.

A./; the                 B.the; a              C.the; the            D./; a

答案  B

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